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[E] c0lsl0th
[E] c0lsl0th
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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i agree on the cross world inventory. rather have that than a frickn map reset
over 12 years ago
that coment earlier was to clarify on what i did and what had happen. iim sorry for the update. i couldnt get a chance to type it all down so it wouldnt be a story. and then it did. again i am sorry for the story, i felt to explane word by word on what happend. thank you for whom has read this comment- -c0lsl0th
over 12 years ago
hey everyone wats up!!!! reason for my absense please read im sorry it came out as a long comment I___--i miss minetown soooooooooooooo much i miss my house my friends all the great times i had.... but if you ask why i miss all of it i got banned by proxy o tthe skyblock server. now i check my minecraft everyday to see any news. but still banned. why i was banned well the last time i left the skyblock server i was standing on my platform at the bottom of the map . so if i were to ever guess a stupid creeper was next to me and blew up the platform and i died. i spawned back in and tried to set my home on the nerest block. then i was then a spider attacked me. and when i pressed enter to set my home at the split second i accidently had set my home on the egde of the deathe point,]] i kept dieing, if anything got more worse than it did...... then the lagging started and my computer started to act up and i couldnt type fast enough to type one simple command. /spawn. i got to /spa and died over and over i got kicked for trolling then short after i get banned for trollong <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> i really miss mine town. its the best server i had ever been on. i have been looking forward to donateing more due to the fact i am sure that can help out the server a little bit. i know no one cares but i have donanted over 400$ to a server called rpgminecraft. shame}} iknow. also minetown was the 1st servers i had been on. with my old acc. my accc got hacked and Real name was t0xicsl0th. anyway i hope that all is well with everyone on minetown i hope that my bannapeal is approved i guess,, i didnt mean to intentionally set my home lower. im so sorry. i wont play on skyblock i am a noob so to speak. please if any mods read this please see through of my missstake for setting my home far down by accident. again i hope to see every one soon on mine town till then... illl see everyone soon. ~c0lsl0th..
over 12 years ago
Username:c0lsl0th When you were banned : (Date.)1.27.13 Person who banned you:anti cheat Reason you were banned:ok welll i dont want to get off track here so.. i logged into the skyblock server and i had set my home point at the bottom of the map. mobs would spawn in huge amounts down there bc of the no light and i was going to make a mobs spawner ect. i logged back in after not being online come to realize that my house had blew up . it was not there. i kept on falling though the world in every 3 seconds i would die this made it difficult to type spawn as of my computer is a laggy peice of crap. i tried to setmy home on a block closest to me wen i spawned back in. i couldnt reach it at all. and i know why i was banned for trolling?? i dont troll. i did not do this on purpose. i love playing on you guys server you guyswere the first server i ever join hen i stated to play minecraft... thank you for readding my ban appeal -c0lsl0th server~skyblock
over 12 years ago